Category: Daily Blog

Close up shot from above of a freckled woman in demin jacket and eye and cheek bedazzlements. This image shows someone that accepts themselves enough to embrace their authenticity.

Acceptance: Embracing Reality for a Transformative Year

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Acceptance is my word for 2025. It's about embracing reality, letting go of resistance, and creating space for peace and purpose. Learn why this mindset is transformative.

New Year, New Us: 5 Keys to Managing Change

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Change is easy. It's the process of deciding to and/or adapting to change that's difficult. If more parents and schools equipped children with tools and techniques such as

Getting Employees In The Right Seat

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
More should be done to ensure employees don’t feel like their only option is to resign. Human Resources can best ensure employees are in the right seat.
rethink passion

Rethinking Passion: What it is and how to get it

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
You're not some inadequate loser for not knowing what your passion is or being passionate about whatever path you've chosen to pursue.
employees should be teaching

6 Benefits Employees Gain By Teaching Others

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Employees shouldn't stop with just Learning & Development (L&D). Instead, they should also cap off their L&D by teaching others.
Patience is a super-virtue

7 Ways to Develop Patience

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Developing patience is how we can take control of our lives by taking control of how we react to life’s inevitable inconveniences and setbacks.

Don’t Rush the Chick

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
My high school senior and I were talking recently. She mentioned something like “When I make it I’m going to take care of you guys.” I promptly replied with “I
Kite Runner

The Kite Runner

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Author: Khaled Hosseini (2003)Listening Length: 12 hours and 1 minutePublisher: Simon & Schuster Audio(this article contains affiliate links) This book. Typically you will find me swimming comfortably inside the personal development

Between a Managerial Rock and a Hard Place

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Managers are caught in a tough spot. A spot that might literally be between a rock (their boss) and a hard place (their employees). Be kind.
How about Human Resources reporting to the Board?

What if Human Resources reported to the Board of Directors?

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Most companies would agree wholeheartedly with the adage: "people are our most valuable resource." Yet most are structured in a manner where there are two perspectives (leadership/management and employees).