Tag: employee engagement

Employee Experience: How Toxicity Could Be Squandering Precious ROI

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
In this manifesto, I answer this core question: Why do so many companies fall short when it comes to employee experience? by sharing my thoughts and suppositions supported by external

6 Ways to Gain More Control of Your Job

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
There are many things that managers can do to help employees feel a greater sense of control. Ultimately, the employee must realize that the seeds of control are already

Love What You Do: Core Values at Work

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Doing what you love for a living may not always be possible, but everyone can love what you do for a living.  In the workplace, it is commonly accepted that

Getting Employees In The Right Seat

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
More should be done to ensure employees don’t feel like their only option is to resign. Human Resources can best ensure employees are in the right seat.
How about Human Resources reporting to the Board?

What if Human Resources reported to the Board of Directors?

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Most companies would agree wholeheartedly with the adage: "people are our most valuable resource." Yet most are structured in a manner where there are two perspectives (leadership/management and employees).
Love What You Do

Engaging Employees with Purpose

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Purpose (the why) is a siren song to customers. Purpose is a steady drumbeat for the heart of employees.
Mastery is making progress in meaning work.

Engaging Employees with Mastery

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
To motivate through mastery, managers must provide clear goals and objectives; identify skills needed to succeed at attaining the goals; provide feedback and encouragement all along the way.

The Soil of Culture: Your True Source of Growth

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Just like soil, corporate culture is the key to the growth of the seed of innovation, employee engagement, inclusion and revenue.