Tag: management

Black woman manager in a blazer standing in front of a few other people faded in the background

3 FREE Fixes for Employee Experience

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
The best things in life really are FREE. This is especially the with Employee Experience.

Employee Experience: How Toxicity Could Be Squandering Precious ROI

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
In this manifesto, I answer this core question: Why do so many companies fall short when it comes to employee experience? by sharing my thoughts and suppositions supported by external

Getting Employees In The Right Seat

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
More should be done to ensure employees don’t feel like their only option is to resign. Human Resources can best ensure employees are in the right seat.

Between a Managerial Rock and a Hard Place

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Managers are caught in a tough spot. A spot that might literally be between a rock (their boss) and a hard place (their employees). Be kind.
How about Human Resources reporting to the Board?

What if Human Resources reported to the Board of Directors?

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Most companies would agree wholeheartedly with the adage: "people are our most valuable resource." Yet most are structured in a manner where there are two perspectives (leadership/management and employees).

The Importance of Corporate Culture

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
A great corporate culture is a key differentiating factor in sustaining growth and maintaining shareholder value.

Caught Up In Our Feelings at Work

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Disclaimer: some of the links below are affiliated links. Which means, at no cost to you, I will get a commission if you click through and purchase. Feelings and emotions