Tag: self-help

Close up shot from above of a freckled woman in demin jacket and eye and cheek bedazzlements. This image shows someone that accepts themselves enough to embrace their authenticity.

Acceptance: Embracing Reality for a Transformative Year

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Acceptance is my word for 2025. It's about embracing reality, letting go of resistance, and creating space for peace and purpose. Learn why this mindset is transformative.
rethink passion

Rethinking Passion: What it is and how to get it

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
You're not some inadequate loser for not knowing what your passion is or being passionate about whatever path you've chosen to pursue.
What learning did you miss out in HS?

What I Wish I’d Learned In High School

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
There are lot of things High Schools can do to help prepare students for the real world. Ultimately, if the student doesn't get these skills, it falls on the
A Meaningful Approach to Life

A Meaningful Approach to Life

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
A meaningful approach is consistently applying our skills, talents, and strengths to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Filling the Void

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
Your favorite anything is not objectively better than anything else. They simply speak to a void in your life that you may or may not even know exists.

When Self-Help Actually Helps

By wayneburrellwayneburrell/ no comments
“If success is my duty, why the hell am I not acting like it?  Does this type of gun-ho motivation only have to come to me in the morning?  Where